Poetry in my life: by Markha Natsishvili


Lot`s of people have different ways to express their impressions. Some of them tell us their emotions in paintings, some of them with notes and others with poems.

poetry-and-types-of-poetry            My grandfather is a poet. He has printed three books. First one is called Waiting for Sun. The second. Sunrise. The third. Sun in the Clouds. I like all of them, but my favorite is the third one.

He can`t see, but he always works and works, he always has ideas and creates poems. As I`ve said, he can’t see, so when he has got rhymes, he dictates me and I write it in the notebook. I take a great pleasure, when I write his poems, because I like them and try to remember words, which sound beautifull and somehow strange for me.

So, poetry is a very significant part of my life. I like writing poems after a busy and hard day and I relax through them. Sometimes, when I am working or sitting at the lesson, ideas come themselves. I sit to write down the rhymes which suddenly come in my head and at last, when I give it a complete look, it sometimes becomes another poem, not the
one I wanted.

I don’t know if are they good poems or not, but they are my ideas, my feelings expressed with them. My friends like them and ask me to write more and more. It is one of the interesting way to get pleasure and at that time, fill my time.