First there was an idea and then an action. We children of Kvareltskali Public School decided to make some charity for poor people. We created handmade, special money boxes and started gathering money. We walked and talked from class to class. Children and teachers were so glad and all of them wanted to do some kindness. It was really awesome. We were looking at those children’s cute and full of love faces. They put in the box all the pocket money they had.

At last, we gathered some money, fruit and sweets. We have made four presents, and on Christmas day we visited two lonely, but sweet grandmothers and two large families having many children. There we acted a little performance, we sang New Year’s jolly songs and danced together. It was such a pleasure, as we saw and gathered many smiles and thankful eyes.
At the end, we decided to continue our extra working for charity. We hope our action increase and everybody will help us as ‘Kindness is Transmitted’. We can spread actions for charity in the whole Pankisi Gorge, and so we plan to do the same in the other villages too.
God bless us on the way of kindness!