Caucasus X-Trek is the first travel agency in Pankisi and the first company in Akhmeta District. The idea of establishing the company was born from the love to mountains. The company was created by polish woman, who comes from Tatry Mountains and Kist man, who comes from Pankisi, both of them are highlanders.This is the company, for the first time in the history of the Pankisi Gorge to broke down the stereotype by merging two similar yet different worlds: Europe with Caucasus, Christian woman and Muslim man. she lived in Warsaw the capital of Poland, having experience from the biggest world-wide known corporations, arrived to Pankisi by chance as her trekking trip to Iceland did not go on and he lives in Jokolo – one of the Pankisi village, valley surrounded by Caucasus mountain chain highlander and real warrior.Caucasus X-Trek team is organizing professional trekking – horse riding trips from Pankisi to Khevsureti and Tusheti regions as well as integration meetings for business. The company strongly supports local community, closely working with its members, especially giving a chance to youth for a better future, where work is combined with fun. The company also supports voluntarily our local kindergarten. outside Pankisi, the company owners are traveling often to Poland where they organizing workshops during travelers meetings and they are participating in tour operators meetings, giving speeches and interviews. It is worth to mention that the polish, Georgian and even Japanese media, like TV, newspapers and radios, spread the story of this unusual cooperation in published documentaries and interviews.
For the first time they met in the mountains and actually there came an idea to start up a travel agency in order to spread their passion for mountains and show the world hidden beauty of this mysterious and not undiscovered by many regions of Georgia.