The Effects of Deportation on Families and Children, by Aishat Pareulidze,


Many families move abroad for different reasons. It maybe financial problems, political or personal. People move to different countries, such as Germany, Denmark, France and so on. They apply for asylum, while they want to start a new life there. But only some of them get a stay, and majority of the families are deported. In 2021 -11,982 people were deported. From where

Deportations are carried out in different ways. Some of them are violent. Families are left without their phones, tablets, money and other belongings. The way the people are deported depends on the police officers. There are racist police officers and police officers who carry out their work properly. 

Some families are deported at night, they are woken up in the middle of their sleep. The members of the family are awakened by ringing, stomping and banging on the door. During the deportation, everyone in the family is frightened, disappointed and angry, some of them are even injured. Some of the families are deported in the morning, they have little time to pack and of course they are not allowed to take everything with them. Sometimes children are at school when they are deported, therefore they are taken from school directly to the airport. They are deported in front of all the students and teachers in the school, and no one can do anything about it. They can’t even say goodbye to their friends, when they might never see them again. 

Among the people deported, there are children, who learned very well and could speak the local language fluently. They managed to integrate into the country, had lots of friends, could get along well with other people and were good students. The children feel devastated and disappointed. They had lots of dreams that could come true.

I am an example of such a sad experience, I was deported from Germany to Georgia last year on 27.05.2021, 5 o’clock in the morning.

The policemen were beating and stomping loudly at our door. They shouted loudly: “Open the door”. We were scared when we saw 9-10 policemen at our door. They said that we were going to be deported and that we had to pack our luggage. I was so shocked, scared and disappointed, I was crying and my whole body was trembling.

The policemen came into our apartment, we, the children packed our things in our room and our parents in their room. The policemen were mean to us, they were racists.

Of course, we were not allowed to take all of our things with us and we had little time to pack. The policemen snatched our money boxes from my siblings although they were crying and they took them away from me as well. They took 2 tablets and 2 cell phones and did not give them back, although we were told that we would get everything back at the airport.

Then we got on the bus, with certainly more than 13 policemen in it. I cried the whole time.

At Leipzig Airport we had to wait about 2 hours for the plane and then we boarded the plane.We made an intermediate stop in Albania and then we flew to Georgia. After 6 hours we arrived in Georgia.

None of our relatives knew that we had been deported and were sitting at the Tbilisi airport in Georgia. We did not have cell phones to call them. We didn’t have any money either. My little brothers and sisters were hungry and tired. We could not buy food for them, and we had no money for a cab. All the cabs were too expensive, traveling from the airport to Birkiani cost 600 GEL.  But 2 hours later a cab driver made an offer and said that he would drive us for 300 GEL and we accepted. This was an absolutely new country for me, where I had not been for 7 years. Everything was unusual. We arrived in Birkiani after a long drive at about 3 o’clock in the morning. Our relatives were totally shocked. Then our relatives paid the 300 GEL and we went into the house and told our sad story of deportation.

I have been living in Georgia for about 8 months already and I still have to get used to the country.

I miss my German grandma, friends and classmates very much.